Sunday, 11 March 2012


My main problem with my knowledge of people, I've learned, is deeply connected with my desires. That is to say, I mentally blur the right answer in with the wrong answers when I am emotionally involved. I'll convince myself that the wrong answer is the right one, and dismiss the details which, in any regular situation, would lead me to prefer the answer that the details favour.

After re-evaluating my sense of reason and judgement worryingly recently, I've found that this detail of emotional involvement was over-looked. Usually, there's no emotional involvement in knowing something other than the passion for knowledge itself. So, do I avoid making judgements in these unusual circumstances? Or do I re-evaluate and carry on? Something tells me that, no matter what is more sensible, I'll more than likely just carry on in the hope that I'm better prepared in future.

I've also decided to stay out of trouble for a while. It's time for some personal development rather than focusing on others as much as I have been. I've set myself some tasks to keep me entertained
- Learn to Lucid Dream properly
- Finish TEFL (necessity, but it makes the list look longer)
- Read the entire works of Plato (rather than scanning it because it's too long and having the secure knowledge that no one else has read them anyway)
Hopefully, by the time I've finished this phase, I'll safely be able to walk around the island thinking I'm the brain of the island... I also want a tattoo.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the Lucid Dreaming, you'll have to keep us updated on that, I'd like to learn how to do it myself. And I hope the TEFL course is going well, how long until you're a qualified teacher?

    I think this is a good idea, it might be good to have some time to yourself, where you won't be influenced my a love interest.
    But please don't blame yourself for the things that happened last week. I know you must feel like you are the only one to blame because you were fooled, but you're not.

